Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Kitchen tool latest Advances

Kitchen tool such as refrigerators, dishwashers, and ovens need to be upgraded on a regular basis to ensure there are no interruptions in the productivity of the kitchen. This means that with an appliance that is new, you have fewer instances of problems and break downs. Breakdowns can cost time and money and are worth preparation for before they occur. You may find that the money you spend on upgrading your kitchen appliances will be much lower than the cost of lost business and constant repairs.

Nice tool also looks good to the customers. They are more apt to spend their money with you if you can show them that you care about what you are doing enough to furnish capability tool for you business. It shows that you care about the condition of your customers. No one wants to walk into a cafeteria that is not clean and kept nice. This includes the appliances you have in the kitchen. Make sure your staff is fully trained on how to use the tool so you will have no problems with improper use and have to spend money to fix broken equipment.

True Glass Door Refrigerator

Kitchens in the home are often the focal point of the home and are used more than any other room. The newest kitchen appliances can absolutely make a difference, especially if you entertain on a regular basis. High capability stainless steel can be one of the best choices. You can find refrigerators, ovens, and dishwashers in the stainless steel design. If you are into a more natural look, you can select appliances that have gorgeous wood paneling and easier to clean features.

With all the newest technology in kitchen appliances and the power recovery choices, there will be no problems finding a style to fit your kitchen design. The contract sizes make them a great selection for any area, large or small. With so many colors and designs, the possibilities are endless as to what you can do with them. The newer flat top ranges are easier to clean and the refrigerators come with everything to regulate your food chilling experience. You can select to have your freezer on the side, the top, or the bottom. New doors have been installed to make it easier to take out a soda. Instead of having to open the larger door, you only need to open the smaller one.

No matter what type of kitchen you work in, having the newest kitchen tool available will make things easier all around. This is especially true if you are in the food industry. Falling behind on technological advancements in cooking and food storage appliances could very well cost you money and customers. cafeteria tool and concession tool are not only a necessity for your business; they are what holds it all together and makes it run smoothly. For those that only cook in the kitchen at home, what good place to bring in new items than the room that is used the most?

Kitchen tool latest Advances

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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Buying Guide for the Best Refrigerators

Modern refrigerators are ready in many options. Consumers can choose from a french-door style, side by side, or a top or bottom freezer. Here one will find the top 4 most highly rated refrigerators, the best of each option. This can be utilized as a buying guide in purchasing the refrigerator that best suits a person.

The least expensive refrigerator on the store today is the top freezer model. They are not only the cheapest, but also the least likely to have something go wrong. There are no high tech components to tear up like on the other models. Many consumers use the refrigerator more than the freezer, so this requires a lot of bending to have access to all the shelves. Also, the freezers have very petite space with normally only a particular shelf. This can take a lot of creativity on one's part to find the best methods for getting the most out of storehouse space.

True Glass Door Refrigerator

The side by side models are somewhat higher in cost than the top freezer models, but do cost less than the French door models. These refrigerators have suitable features such as water and ice dispensers in the door. These models are good to have in spaces where clearance for a door or a narrow kitchen is an issue. The qoute with the side by side models are the narrow shelving in the freezer side, and the water and ice dispenser are prone to needing repairs. They are also not as vigor efficient as the top freezer refrigerators. However, many models do comply with vigor Star standards. The pull-out drawer bottom freezer models with the particular door refrigerator on top are more precious than the first two models mentioned. The refrigerator portion is unquestionably accessible. The pull out drawer to the bottom freezer is roomy and easy to organize.This model does not come with a water and ice dispenser feature, but can come with an internal ice maker. It will take up space, but is suitable for those who do not like dealing with ice trays. However, the bottom drawer models are becoming less favorite as the French door models are dropping in price.

The French door refrigerator and freezer combinations are the most popular. These refrigerators have the ice and water dispenser that most consumers desire. They are highly roomy and can unquestionably fit in items such as sheet cakes or pizzas with ease. With only having to open one side at a time, less cool air escapes from these models as well. Most customers who write reviews on this type of refrigerator love the features such as adjustable shelving and water filters. Although more precious than the side by side models, most are vigor Star rated and do come with many suitable features.

When it comes to any model of refrigerator, carrying out is normally not an issue. Any refrigerator will keep food cold if working properly. The technology for cooling elements has not changed in years. However, the side by sides and French door styles do seem to conduct temperatures somewhat better. The major differences in refrigerator models has to do with the noise level, the door styles, and features that will make keeping the refrigerator clean and organized more easily.

These are a few tips for purchasing one's next unit.

· buy the largest unit for one's space. It is best to take a tape portion along and take into consideration issues such as the depth or a door swing. · Think about purchasing an vigor Star model. One will lower his electricity bill and may receive a tax break.
· Look for an organized layout. Be sure the unit has space to adapt wide or tall items and has no dark areas to lose food in.
· Check for carport shelving that is easy to clean. Glass is easiest to clean, and many models now come with raised edges that will help with spills. Adjustable shelving is always a nice bonus for items that are wider or taller than most. Some models come with a built in wine rack.
· Check for unquestionably accessible temperature and humidity controls. One will want the controls to be in the front instead of the back where clutter may make it difficult to do. Options include controls for the meat, cheese, and vegetable bins.
· Look for a well-lit models. Most units will have one inside the refrigerator itself, but some also come qualified with lighting in the freezers and the drawers for optimal lighting.
· Make sure the unit is quiet. The insulation is what will help quiet the noise from the compressor.

Buying Guide for the Best Refrigerators

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Friday, August 26, 2011

5 Ways to Sell Your Home Fast

There are many ways to sell your home quickly. If you are using a real estate agent, they may be able to provide you with a number of suggestions or may even employ a expert home stager to help put in order your home to be shown in it's best light (pun intended).

If you are not using a real estate agent and should pick to market your home on your own, I can offer some suggestions and helpful tips on marketing and selling your home fast. Keep in mind that just because something looks good to you, it may not appear that way to someone else, so it is best to do general things that will help it show great to a large variety of inherent buyers.

True Glass Door Refrigerator

Here are my first five in no singular order.

#1 - Polish your fixtures. Polish all brass, chrome and glass, etc. To make them shine their brightest. This can add sparkle to your home.

#2 - Clean or paint the appliances. This is a great general tip, but especially true if you are selling the appliances with the home. If you have broken knobs, replace them. If your refrigerator, stove, and dishwasher are all distinct colors, they may be able to be expertly painted to match. No only can this help make the sale, but it is much less costly than purchasing a matching set.

#3 - Bake cookies or bread - While this might work for everyone, a pleasant smell is associated with good feelings, and that is what you want your prospective buyers to have. For some, it may help them photograph themselves with house at holiday season or fun visits to grandma's house.

#4 - Clean the carpets - It's all the time a good idea to clean the carpets. It gives the general impression that you like to keep things clean. You may even want to leave a consolidate clean pairs of shoes just inside the front door to show that they are not allowed.

#5 - Paint the front door. The first impression is often times hard to overcome, and what is the first thing you see when you arrival the house? By also painting the entry way, it provides the impression that the rest of the home is also clean, well kept and up-to-date.

These are only a few tips that will help you sell your home fast. I will be following up with more in the near future.

As you put in order your home to show to prospective purchasers, keep one concept in the back of your mind. First impressions mean a lot. Is the first impression of your home positive?

5 Ways to Sell Your Home Fast

top 10 french door refrigerators

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

You Know You're Old When

I'll be glad when this year is over. I'm not talking about the calendar year or the school year. I looking transmit to the last day of the year I turned fifty. Yep, I am 50 years old, although I have been told I don't look at day over 49. Before the next full moon, I will be over the hill at the ripe old age of 51, and I'm looking transmit to that day. Why? Because turning fifty was tough, and I'm looking transmit to the end of this era.

Back when I was a young whippersnapper in my mid-forties, some of my more mature friends warned me about turning fifty. They said the human body is programmed to fall apart at that age, much like your car on the day the warranty expires. Even at the age of forty-nine, I suspected these old codgers were exaggerating, jealous of my youth and trying to put the fear of A.A.R.P. In me. How can a strong, robust man of 49 just start falling apart in a mere 365 days? No way will it happen to me.

True Glass Door Refrigerator

I think the first sign that the law is true showed up as an ache to my lower back. Being a cowpoke most of my life, I was accustomed to body aches and strained muscles, but this pain was different. It was lower and often shot through my rump and down my leg. With my small knowledge of the human body and way to the internet, I discovered I was suffering from sciatica. I recalled my great-aunt suffered from this, but she was an old lady. How can I have an old lady malady? Naw, I probably have a chipped vertebra from getting thrown from a horse years ago. I don't have stinking sciatica. Not yet anyway.

It wasn't many weeks later when my body considered to warn me that the sciatic nerve has friends, and some times they like to get together and throw a wild party. Apparently, these nerves that hang out along your spine have a tendency to get pinched by protruding disks when vertebrae get bent all out of shape. I don't know what I did to my spine, but it now resembles the road through Devil's Backbone, and one day a bunch of the nerves decided to play one hellacious game of Twister.

I remember hearing some of my elders talk about "throwing out" their backs and being laid up in bed for days. I figured with my lifestyle and occupation, this may some day happen to me when I'm in my sixties. Au contraire, my friend. My 50-year old back decided it needed some bed-rest, and I spent three days flat on my back, loaded with muscle relaxers and out-dated pain meds.

Thanks to the masterful hands of a chiropractor, I was back on my feet in a few days, feeling pretty good for a guy half a century old. I was back to my old self, abusing my body like it belonged to a twenty-year old. Then, just like your 10-year old Chevy, something else has to fall apart.

This time the angry god of geriatrics reared his vengeful head and sank his sharp fangs into my big toe.

I have jammed my toe some times in my life, been stepped on by horses and a few cows, and even broke a toe or two, but nothing compares to the pain that inexplicably developed in my big toe. The pain was so severe I went to a minor emergency clinic the next day, reasoning I must've broken the toe somehow.

It took the physician less than a small to diagnose my infliction as gout. Gout? That's an old fart's disease. No way in the world can I have gout. I must've injured my toe doing fence work, the trauma blocking all memory of the accident. That makes more sense than gout.

Just to satisfy my curiosity, and to get more pain medication, I hobbled in to see my personal physician for a second opinion. He also diagnosed me as having a bout of gout. For you men who may now be fifty or will be soon, let me tell you something about gout. It is caused by uric acid crystals settling in a joint, typically a big toe. It feels like man crushed up some broken glass, mixed it with a swarm of angry fire ants, and injected it all into the base of your toe.

I asked the physician what causes gout in a youngish man as myself. Apparently, inevitable food and drinks may lead to gout. Red meat and fish have been known to cause this disease, but the chief theorize of gout is beer. Now hold on one cotton-pickin' minute! We're talking cold beer, the nectar of the red-necked gods! Beer may be the cause of this hellish agony that I was suffering, and the physician advised me to cut back on my consumption. I informed the doc that he should go ahead and chop that toe off because there's no way I'm going to stop eating beef and drinking beer. Find me a surgeon who'll amputate my big toe and replace it with a bottle opener.

One good thing about getting older is that I seem to be getting wiser. I have discovered things that a younger man might not notice. Like recycled paper makes newsprint blurry these days. A decade ago, before the newspaper recycling fad began, I could read the paper without glasses.

Something else I've noticed is that bags of feed that I used to carry with ease now seem to weigh more than before. Although the bag claims it holds 50 pounds, my muscles argue that it weighs closer to sixty pounds. It must be a recycled bag from years ago.

With nearly a full year of being fifty under my belt, I feel like I should help you men out there who aren't sure if they are old or not. Here are a few helpful clues in determining your age status:

1. If you look in your medicine cabinet and observation your athlete's foot medicine and sports cream have been supplanted by Metamucil and Preparation-H, you have gotten old.

2. If your pharmacist recognizes you on the street, you may be old.

3. If you have hair growing out of your ears, and it's gray, then you are surely old.

4. If you have your chiropractor on speed dial, then you are getting old and decrepit.

5. When getting out of bed, if your bones creak louder than the box springs, then you have turned into an old man.

6. If you attend your high school reunion and swap stories with your buddies about recent curative procedures, then you all have gotten old.

7. If you brag more on your cholesterol levels than your golf scores, then you may be a geezer.

8. If your beloved team is no longer the Cowboys or the Spurs but is now the team consisting of your cardiologist, urologist and proctologist, then, dude, you positively are old.

9. If you can recall the name of your second grade educator but don't remember why you are standing at the open refrigerator door, you're probably looking for prune juice, old man.

10. If your physician tells you have gout, congratulations, you, too are now an old fart.

I hope this column helps some of you men out there who are dealing with age issues. Remember, the first step with coping with getting old is recognizing the symptoms. Then you can enter denial. As for you women out there who are going through the change of life, don't look for me to write about that; I'll leave the real scary stuff to Stephen King.

I shape that once I turn 51, life will get better. Since turning fifty is "over the hill", then I'll be cruising downhill for the next five decades. Hopefully the second stretch of life's highway will have fewer potholes.

You Know You're Old When

french door refrigerator

Monday, August 22, 2011

An American Fridge - Would It Fit Into Your Lifestyle?

These days it is becoming much more tasteless to see an American fridge in a Uk kitchen. A few years ago, population tended to buy these items for show as status symbols, or to impress guests at evening meal parties. The nearnessy of one of these appliances was even said by estate agents, especially in London, to add a astronomical amount to the value of a house. Now, however, consumers are increasingly aware of the other benefits that they bring. If you are not customary with these fridges, you may have a amount of questions about them.

One of your concerns may be that, being American, an American style fridge may be too big for your kitchen. It is surely true that these models are wider than Europeans are used to, because the fridge and freezer compartments are side by side instead of having the freezer on top. In actual fact, the width distinction is only about 40 centimetres the distance of your computer keyboard but it would surely be a good idea to check that it would fit into your kitchen, before buying rather than after. Having the upright freezer compartment surely gives you a lot more storage space than the top-side ones not quite as much as a chest freezer, but a lot more convenient, since you can see at a behold exactly where all things is.

True Glass Door Refrigerator

Your storage options are surely enormously increased with an American fridge, especially on the insides of the doors. The freezer compartment has as many door shelves as the refrigerator compartment which is a lot so you can get at things surely surely without having to root around. The refrigerator side has a huge amount of storage capacity in the doors, which frees up space in the main compartments.

You may have heard that the first giant-size refrigerators to arrive in the Uk were far from being sufficient and used a huge amount of power. This may be a qoute for you, with fuel prices being what they are, plus the concern about carbon emissions. These days, however, your American style fridge can be as energy sufficient as you want it to be. Appliances have energy ratings ranging from G, which is power greedy, to A++, which is ultra-efficient and can save a great deal on running costs. In addition, these fridge-freezers have all sorts of supplementary features to make them even more energy efficient. Some models can go into sleep mode when not being used, so cutting down on energy waste, and some have a holiday feature, enabling you to switch off the fridge (emptying it first) and keep the freezer at its coldest temperature.

Everybody knows that Americans have ice dispensers on the surface of the refrigerator door. You may or may not consider this an important feature for the British climate. However, these fridges surely do have a lot of features that will make life easier for you. One of these is "miracle zones", or definite cooling zones, enabling you to keep separate foods at definite temperatures. This means that you can have extra sections for salads, dairy products, sauces, meats and so on, and pick separate temperatures for each one. What is more, you can have a digital temperature operate panel on the surface of the door, so that you can operate the temperature of each section precisely. A door cooling feature means that air currents flow from all four sides of the appliance, not just the back, meaning that the temperature is kept even throughout the interior. You can pick a model whether with frost free technology, or with an automatic defrosting switch, and security features include an anti-bacterial coating, and non-shatter glass shelves.

Apart from these very useful features, there are supplementary gadgets you can also have on your American style fridge if you so desire. You may fancy a chilled water dispenser or water filter, or else a home bar, which is a compartment on the surface of the door to store your drinks, so you can grab a beer without even chance the door. Some models even have a built-in television. You can also find models with electronically adjustable humidity controls for detach vegetable and fruit drawers, since it appears that separate varieties of fruit and vegetables wish separate humidity levels.

In the past, a refrigerator was ordinarily something you acquired for its utility, rather than for its visual appeal. Now all this is changing. These fridges come in a range of elegant styles so you can use them to complement your household décor as well as impress your friends, of course. You can pick panelled styles in a range of woods, or with mirrors, or alternatively in brushed stainless steel. Some even have their own cabinets.

Perhaps you have the idea that an American fridge is eye-wateringly expensive. Actually, however, those at the top end of the price range are the ones with all the bells and whistles. There is a important range of prices, so that you can pick the features you surely want and that will surely make life easier for you. For instance, do you surely want a television in your refrigerator? If you study what is available, there is a good chance that you will find the one that is at the right price for you, and that will truly heighten your lifestyle.

An American Fridge - Would It Fit Into Your Lifestyle?

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Sunday, August 21, 2011

A Look at Sliding Doors

No home is faultless without the astonishing expanding of sliding glass doors. Sliding glass doors furnish a convenient entry and exit way for traffic in and out of the home. These gorgeous doors also allow the free flow of light into the home. Sliding doors come in a collection of distinct styles, each one distinctly excellent for your home, office or business. Sliding doors have come to be a base fixture of many industrial structure and very beloved among those who wish to create a quick passageway from the home to the backyard.

Not only do these doors allow sunlight into the home, but they also furnish gorgeous views onto the deck, patio and backyard. Sliding glass doors have come to be a staple among American homes and are featured in a wide collection of styles. Modern styles of sliding glass doors can be made of glass, aluminum, fiberglass and even wood. A very widely seen feature of sliding glass doors is to have them roll across the top, rather than the bottom. This allows the doors to function properly for years without the interference of dirt, leaves and other materials that can build up across the lowest over time.

True Glass Door Refrigerator

Pricier sliding doors may contain "true divided lites", which is an commerce term for many panes of glass. These doors are determined more elegant and are commonly easier to maintain. Another feature that can growth the price of these doors is the material they are made of. Wood sliding doors are often determined the most gorgeous style, and are thus the most expensive. Price is determined by the style of wood used, the coating that is settled on the wood to avoid deterioration , and also the craftsmanship that goes into the doors. Doors that contain beveling, stained glass, or a brass framing are determined to be some of the most exclusive in the market.

A Look at Sliding Doors

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Friday, August 19, 2011

5 Things to Know About Outdoor Kitchen Plans

There's nothing like the noteworthy sights and lingering aromas of pizzas, pies, pastas and meat on a cool and breezy summer evening. Throw in some intoxicating wine and the tantalizing chatter of close friends, and it's approximately like an unforgettable indulgence for life's most costly moments.

If all this reads like some kind of apocryphal story, you better get set to invert that parochial view. With practical and perfectly functional outdoor kitchen plans, you can enjoy a unique sensory touch like none other.

True Glass Door Refrigerator

Their Profile Is Rising

The best part of outdoor kitchens is their noteworthy quality to break free from the shackles of conventionality and originate a space that is refreshingly different. No more sweating it out alone in front of a hot oven in a claustrophobic work area when you can have boisterous friends and their banter to add spice to the proceedings. What's more, an outdoor kitchen also sends the value of your asset soaring.

Essential Spadework

Before you embark on this daunting mission, it's important to do your homework well. Here's how to plan without hitting a false note:

Be unquestionably clear about the kind of wherewithal your plans will require. While a small counter with a grill may cost you about ,000 or so, an avant-garde version will need you to shell out nothing less than ,000. The size of your dream kitchen will depend on the space ready for it. A barbeque will occupy centre stage, closely followed by a high-quality grill, a compact wood burning oven and a refrigerator with a freezer. An outdoor kitchen must be constructed as close as inherent to the indoor kitchen. brilliant lighting must be one of the highlights of this space. An speculation in solar lighting is sure to have a cosmic significance. Above all, make sure the kitchen is a true reflection of your innate personality. The form must be a manifestation of your needs, desires and your limitations.

It's time to celebrate the enduring magic of the great outdoors for eternity.

5 Things to Know About Outdoor Kitchen Plans

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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

NewAir Aw-210Ed Wine Cooler Features Thermoelectric Technology and Dual climatic characteristic Controls

Wine often conjures up images of sophistication, class, and elegance, and one of the keys to enjoying wine to its fullest is proper wine etiquette. Whether it's the temperature of the wine, age of the wine, or foods it's served with, every small detail counts.

One of the most important steps you can take to truly enjoy a bottle of wine's true aroma is proper warehouse temperature. As one of the basic tenets of wine etiquette, wine warehouse is imperative due to the complex chemistry that gets altered with environmental or temperature changes. Storing it at a temperature that is too cold will cause it to lose its flavor notes while very warm temperatures will accelerate the wine's aging process. Moreover, temperature fluctuations can Whether improve the bouquet of obvious types of wine or disguise its defects.

True Glass Door Refrigerator

As a normal rule, red wine is best served in the middle of 62-65°F, while a quality white wine should be appreciated when it is in the middle of 58-62°F. Also, champagne and sparkling wine should best be served at 45°F. With that said, one of the best ways to ensure proper wine warehouse temperature is via a home cellar, but this may be impossible for even the most serious oenophile due to cost or space constraints. Thus, wine coolers and refrigerators are a cost-effective way to serve your finest vintages.

There are several types and models of wine coolers ready depending on cost, needs, and desires, but when selecting a wine cooler, first rule how many bottles of wine you intend to chill, then add on more capacity to allow for a growing collection. Next, shape out what type of wine you will be storing. If you have only reds or whites, a wine refrigerator with only one chamber will be sufficient, but if you need to store both types, a 2-temperature zone wine refrigerator is for real essential.

To take the guesswork out of selecting a wine cooler, our goods team has been testing a whole of popular brands and models. Avanti, Amcor, and Franklin Chef are just some of the most well-know wine cooler manufacturers, but NewAir, a enterprise most known for its movable air conditioners and swamp coolers, has also industrialized their own line of affordable, feature-rich wine coolers. We were fortunate sufficient to be test the new Aw-210Ed wine cooler and here are our findings:

Style and Design:

When we first received the NewAir Aw-210Ed, we were certainly impressed with its sleek, hi-tech styling. The glass door was large and durable, while the 7 slide out shelves and racks within the unit were chrome plated. The digital operate panel was very user-friendly, and the interior of the wine cooler even came qualified with a soft blue Led light that increased visibility and provided a nice glow. Furthermore, the Aw-210Ed's upright tower build helped save space. In fact, the NewAir Aw-210Ed fit nicely into the corner of our office and was non-obtrusive.

Bottle Capacity:

As mentioned above, one of the first things you should keep in mind when selecting a wine cooler is the bottle capacity. A wine cooler can hold as itsybitsy as six bottles to some units which can hold up to 500. The NewAir Aw-210Ed wine cooler had a 21-bottle capacity which was more than sufficient space for us budding connoisseurs.

Cooling Technology:

There are primarily two types of wine cooling technologies: compressor and thermoelectric. Most citizen prefer thermoelectric units because they do not have many exciting parts and are very quiet. Also, thermoelectric technology is better at preserving and aging wine because it lessens sedimentation that can occur with vibration. The NewAir Aw-210Ed was a thermoelectric wine cooler that provided silent, vibration-free operation.

Dual Zone Chambers:

Also as mentioned above, having a wine cooler with at least two temperature zones is important if you're storing more than one type of wine. A wine cooler with dual temperature zones means that the cabinet's upper and lower zones are specialized, independently refrigerated chambers with isolate temperature operate capabilities. The NewAir Aw-210Ed wine cooler had two zones which allowed us chill our popular bottles of merlot and chardonnay at once.

Overall, at less than 0, the NewAir Aw-210Ed was not only more affordable than some of the other wine coolers we tested, it also offered many of the same features we found in pricier models.

NewAir Aw-210Ed Wine Cooler Features Thermoelectric Technology and Dual climatic characteristic Controls

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Monday, August 15, 2011

Price comparisons of Melamine Bowl, Milano Series, 1 qt., 8" Diameter x 2.25" Deep - White - White for sale

Melamine Bowl, Milano Series, 1 qt., 8" Diameter x 2.25" Deep - White - White Overview By Customers .....

Milano - Mama Mia! What a beautiful new style by G.E.T. Black and white melamine to accent your food presentations in a classy yet modern look. Available in black and white. Features Manufacturer's Category: Serving Bowl, Plastic Capacity: 32 Oz Plastic: Melamine Brand: Milano Buy 0 of THIS product or any product from G.E.T., pay only .82 per item. To shop for additional products from G.E.T., click here.

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Saturday, August 13, 2011

In the organery of School (A Short Story of a Young Women With Schizophrenia Tendencies)

(Babenhausen, Germany, 1974)

They were living in Babenhausen, Germany then, and the bridge to the brewery, crossed a canal that ran from one end of the township to the other. They could see the Old Tower, built in 1714 Ad from their 3rd story apartment windows. Up a ways from the town of town where they lived, was a park, and the Babenhausen, Schlosshof (where there was a café and art shows, along with small concerts, they were headed that way).

True Glass Door Refrigerator

It was a town-let, sort of, where habitancy wore-for the most part, back in the early to mid seventies-wore coarse and plane cloths, a hard working community, along with a hard drinking class of German stock males that filled the guesthouses approximately every night of the week. There were also, a few opt bars where the young folks hung out.

It was a city were folks rode their bicycles as much as they drove their cars, across the those two bridges, the second one being in the town of town, where a creek run underneath it.

He noticed off and on, kids wildly escaping the grip of their mother's hands, to run up to the few venders selling bratwursts, with mayonnaise, French Fries, and mustard on the side.

Sherwood Sullivan often drank-in those bars, cafes and guesthouses in Babenhausen while those days. Possibly that is why they were all the time broke in those days, in particular, the summer of 1974, but they ate well, and he smoked two packs of cigarettes a day, and had his a six-pack of beer nightly, either at home, or as I said, at the bar, or guesthouse.

He ate breakfast at home usually; the Germans could never satisfy his American tastes in that category.
He was twenty-seven years old, she, twenty, he had met her when she was seventeen, and he had just come home from the Vietnam War.

In the middle of the night they had made love, it was quick and unemotional, a sparse event in that they only had sex once every three to four months now.

On this morning, he was not in a hurry as often he was to find a quiet place to do his writings (he was working on a book called "The Loved and the Desolate"), and so he took his wife out for breakfast with him.

He watched the cars and bicycles go by, as she buttered her sweetbread, both sitting at a table in the cafe.

"What are you mental of?" asked Carla.

"Nothing much, why?"

"It must be something, you're kind of daydreaming it seems."

"Just feeling alone, that's all."

"How can that be, I'm here! Right here by your side:"

"Yes, you seem happy." Sherwood replied.

"I like feeling happy," she said, adding, "isn't that normal?"

"Oh...yes, of course," then hesitated, but added, "you're not happy all that much," he said approximately in a whisper.

"Ah," she said, in a disappointed tone, "I don't care, I'm happy now, and we don't have to worry, or even think of anything in particular, do we?"

"Not one thing." He answered.

"What do you want to do today?" She asked frigidly.

"I don't know, you tell me."

His mind was drifting, somewhat daydreaming on an issue he hadn't brought up-not after it happened anyhow, he had put it to rest because it wouldn't do any good to belabor it: it was about her cutting up his cloths with a scissors. She had gotten mad with jealously, painted herself up like a whore, and when he come home, she was dancing about, trying to lure him into bed, saying 'You like whores, here I am!' and when he went to turn cloths, he noticed all his cloths were shredded, that was two weeks ago, and he was waiting for a check to buy more, then he'd head on up to Darmstadt, where he ordinarily bought most things, such as stereo equipment, cloths, shoes, and so forth, that is where his mind was at the moment.

"I want to go somewhere, anywhere, I'll stay happy, I promise! Maybe to Dieburg, I like the little shops there, or to Darmstadt, no, maybe Munster, we can catch the train there and go on to Frankfurt and spend the day. Or go see that pink castle in Aschaffenburg?"

"Let's talk about it after breakfast, when we get to the park, there we can settle what to do, I'll not write today at all...!"

"No! No, no, no...I think I want to go back to the apartment and take a nap!"

"Wow! That's a sudden and new idea," he said, she adding, "You know I get these abrupt flashes of depression and agitated behavior, I'm not happy anymore, take me back home, I want to go home, you make me feel guilty for wanting to do something other than watch you write."

"Ok," he said, knowing she could be destructive. Matter-of-fact, it was just yesterday in a shop in Dieburg, a town a few miles away, she had a manic explosion in front of the clerk, who begged him to take her out of the store swiftly before she called the police....

They stepped surface the guesthouse, onto the sidewalk, the morning sun was getting hotter, but there was a fresh zephyr mixed into the warm air.

He gazed about for a moment, only a flash of a second Possibly or maybe ten-seconds at most, but a million bits of facts flooded his cerebellum: he wished she was normal, like the majority of people, with commonplace behavior, with no ebbing consequences, no abrupt changes, that could take place in any little of any day; he wished she'd not have to experience anymore psychological bent emotions, or schizophrenia tendencies: she was so easily angered, and frustrated. She had mood changes likened to the flick of a card in pokier, long deep sleeping spells. And if she didn't get her way, those hard looking blank, rock like eyes would appear.

He knew she didn't even like her mood swings herself, for such a young and lovely, and spicy woman, but she had no more control over them than the man in the moon had over night and day. And so they fought back and forth like cats and dogs, and until he would leave and get drunk, that was the only thing that stopped the ongoing, enduring, squabbling, until he returned that is.

She was approximately a constant shadow in his mind, he walked on egg shells when he was colse to her, and held his breath hoping she was asleep when he'd return from an afternoon walk, or writing period, or drinking spell; sex was a lifeless event to say the least too, it was hard to include, to produce an erection, to get excited, when being beaten over the brow with scornful and hurtful words throughout the day, hard to kiss, and make love as if nothing happened in bed in the night, it was good often to go into the bathroom and do what you needed to do, to relieve the urge, lest you feel awful afterwards, and used like an old dirty rug, to be stepped on later, with those same dirty shoes from yesterday, or that very same day the praetor used.

Oh it wasn't all her fault, he knew that, but it was as it was, nonetheless, and enduring, agonizing, never-ending, a born-again cycle of being drained of your life's resources. Therefore, he tried to allow himself daily to do some writing, ordinarily in the park, where he could find the right setting, a calm, sedate scenery, where birds sang freely and without disruption, and the flowers seemed to reach out to him with adoration, not an expectant penitence for breathing God's air, and the butterflies circled his head as if he were a prince and they wanted to give him a crown, and the mood to write his paragraphs, descriptions, dialogue, and explanations, would flow like a kite on a breezy day, and he'd work out his plot, scheme, theme, and so forth unabated.

He took other step, other quiet ten-second rush to his cerebellum, he acquired some anxiety looking at her staring with her blue unblinking eyes, he looked at her and his mouth went dry, she had taken an abrupt lunge, her continence in her face was wild like, a hellish look drooped over it like a purple curtain. He looked back colse to him, he heard something, and it was the waiter in the window he was cleaning up the table they had sat at.

"Well, take good care of yourself, I'm going home," she said tiredly.

"There he stood as she started to walk away, he belief and thought, and thought, 'What sort of wife is that? She's happy one minute, the next she's unhappy.'

He watched her walking down the street, knowing the only way to quiet her down was to tire her out, but in the process-which took hours--he got fatigued.

There was a darkness in this women, one he never fully understood, he had sent her to the psychologist, saying if she'd not go, he'd send her home, that was months ago, they gave her some Minnesota test, and it came out obvious for paranoia schizophrenia, among some other mentally ill classifications. At times he even felt, he was a surrogate parent, not a husband.

But the psychologist seemed to be pretty much in the right area, when he talked to them both it all seemed to fit her profile, in that her reality was interpreted abnormally, especially with her mental that, Sherwood wanted to kill her, so she'd kill him first with his own gun, which she attempted once, and backed off just in time, thank goodness.

On the other side of the coin, she could function pretty well on daily matters, her memory was ok, but her concentration was going down hill, and her suicidal behavior up, she tried to drawn herself in the bathtub, and he told her, approximately humorously, "You can't kill yourself that way, your internal law will fight against it."

He belief about that later, it was a bad thing for Carla to do, and there was no purpose in him production fun of it. That's when the doctors put her on medication.

She had told him, "I want you to have friends, men or woman, it doesn't matter, but just don't fall in love with them."
And when he'd bring them around, she'd get jealous, and spiteful.

She had told him, "I don't run colse to with women or men, you know that." And so that was her way of saying, she didn't want friends. On the other hand, she told her husband, "Just be with me to help me, maintain me, do the laundry and we can sleep together now and then."

No More Surprises

Sherwood noticed as he crossed the bridge, now in the town of it, that led to the park, an old man fishing, a few boys, seven or eight years old were in the shallow waters of the creek, playing under the surface, more at splashing, and blowing bubbles, it wasn't at all that deep, Possibly three to four feet.

There were many more habitancy walking by, across the bridge, walking each way, some kid yelled,
"Look, the old man caught one!"

Sherwood looked, the fish seemed lean, but it was a fish. That was what life was all about, he told himself.

Several men were doing some roadwork, a few of them were on a construction across the street also, kitty-corner, doing some construction work, they all had bottles of beer, large bottles of beer lying about, one took a drink, then put it back down and went back to work, this of procedure was a general sight for him to see in Babenhausen, and he appreciated normality.

Then Sherwood leaned over the bridge, his elbows on the iron rail as a few more kids seemed to come out of nowhere to see the old man's fish.

"What kind is it?" asked a voice, but Sherwood couldn't make out the kind the old man put the fish into, the type that is.

Next, he turned about; saw the guesthouse he had just left, the waiter saw him by himself, as he kept sweeping the edge of the street in front of his place of work. He had seen him and his wife there abundance of times, more often him though, than both of them together, and Sherwood was sure he caught their dilemma, that being, knowing they were not good for one another, yet they remained with one another.

The water in the creek looked beautiful, fresh and cool, clear as a clean glass window.

"Yes," he said talking out loud, looking over into the water, "it's so true, she's getting more hazardous to herself and to me," he said in a convincing tone.

He then lit a cigarette, mumbled, "I'm going to change," his mumble was stern, "more than change," he added, "it's for her sake, mine also. No more surprises by her, it's going to end."

Then he belief about what he said, "Maybe I shouldn't let her go, what she will do? Oh yes, it's very sad, but I belief about it long enough, and just how long is enough, and how much is enough, it's sufficient now, today is enough; it is something that she and I easily want. It easily is. Yes, it's all right!"

He was trying to convince himself to let her go, once and for all, critically mental out loud, it zoomed to the top of his head, and out his mouth, "Good," he said, "I'll let her go, since she wants to go. Yes indeed, it's good to be alone, I'm alone anyways, that will be my surprise for her, I'll let her go this time, and not look back."

Evening Descending

He now found himself walking colse to the town aimlessly, as often he would, stopping at a few guesthouses, having a beer here and there a glass of red wine, ate a ham sandwich at one disco bar, listened to a Neil Diamond's song, one he became found of, 'Cracklin' Rosie,' he had heard it before, it wasn't all that new, but it was circulating throughout Germany, and popular, it made him happy, sad, and drifty in a nice kind of way, Cracklin' Rosie was his bottle of beer, or wine his lover for the night, the girl he could have, because the one at home was the one he never did have, or would have. The change was a uncostly one he thought, as uncostly as he'd get.

Then he up and left the bar, told himself it was time to go back home, he told himself he'd have to make sure the gun was empty when he got home, he couldn't sleep other night mental she might be as hazardous as she says she feels.

He walked though the apartment door, "Good Evening," he told his wife, the main room was dimly lit, and he was lightly drunk.

He was very specific not to disrupt her mood.

"Go back out and get drunker," she told him, "come back when I'm sleeping, I'm going back to St. Paul, Minnesota tomorrow."

He looked at her, she was curled up in a angle of the leather couch, with a cigarette in her hand, and he noticed three burn holes in the coach.

"Look at what you're doing, I'll have to pay for the whole coach now (it was a furnished apartment)."

She looked, "I think you did that a few nights ago!" she said, indifferently, "so don't blame me for your drunkenness, you probably fell to sleep."

"Did you take your medication?" he asked.

"Can't you tell, I feel and look like a zombie?"

Sherwood reached up high on the bookcase, took his 45-automatic down, pulled the clip of bullets out.
"I see you're taking my advice, smart boy." She commented.

He had a beer in the refrigerator, he took it out, opened it up, sat in a chair, and smoked a Camel Cigarette, and dark a Beck's beer halfway down, and let out a deep incommunicable sigh.

He tried to write a paragraph in his new book but all things seemed complicated. He crossed this out and that out until he couldn't easily see what was what, then dated it "July 5, 1974" and leaned back in his chair.

He had come to the windup he was powerless in helping her, and for himself, he was becoming Possibly codependent, if not her on him, him on her, or both on each other, and he was fighting for his own preservation, to keep his own identity, before she swallowed it up, and he had none. They were like two drowning souls in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean without a life raft.

"Yes," he said.

"Yes what?" she replied.

"Yes, I'll find a ride to the train station in Aschaffenburg or Munster or Dieburg, one of the three, most likely, Munster by Dieburg, it's closer, and buy your tickets for your departure, it will take you directly to 'Frankfurt am Main,' and you from there, can take a taxi to the airport, you got your passport, that's all you need, and I'll give you some money tomorrow, I'll go to the bank and take out anything we got."

"Give me a drink of your beer," she asked. She looked happy again. She had left him before, a number of times only to call him back up, wanting to return to wherever he was. But his mental was dissimilar now; he knew it was a one way road for her, she couldn't live on a two-way, and it would be a life of endurance, and more dangers by the passing of each year.

"I knew that would force you to send me home." She said.

"What?" he asked.

"Telling you I'm getting more dangerous."

"It's a long night until tomorrow," he said, adding, "What do you want now?"

"Let's go to bed, and do it!"

"I can't," he said.

Carla laughed heartily, "I swear you're homosexual, and you like men don't you."

He shook his head, whispered to himself, as she went into the bedroom, and he moved over to the couch to sleep the night away, "I'll wait (again the mood was dead)."

A New Morning

Sherwood woke in the morning, approximately at first light, looked out the window, his legs were stiff from being crotched up in the couch. Sat on the edge, trying to wake up completely. He remembered all things that was said the previous night, and was hoping she'd had not changed her mind. He looked at her sleeping from the doorway of the bedroom, remembering how she was, her image when they first met, it was a good image. Then he went to the bathroom, took a warm shower, shaved, put on a t-shirt, and light windbreaker, a pair of slacks, and considered looked back into the bedroom, she was awake; she stood up, she was sitting on the edge of the bed, and moved over to the door where he stood, and slammed it in his face without a word. Somehow he knew she'd be this way, she had to get her last mutiny against him out, for marrying her. He figured it would be a terrific morning, but Possibly the last with her.

She had complete all she needed to do, suitcase and her passport in hand, and said, "Let's get on with it."


He felt fortunate she easily got on the train, she was not a easy woman, she got onto the train, never looking back at him, yet prior to getting on, she hesitated, as if she wanted him to talk her out of it, and he wanted to, but he couldn't, and I think she knew that. Not a perceive was missed by either one, because they didn't want give any glances to remember the other by.

That afternoon he found himself improved with a general heartbeat, and his breathing was back to normal, and he didn't have to worry about walking on eggshells anymore she was gone, so his nervous law was being repaired, he felt. He wrote in the park that afternoon for a long while, his inspiration was back intact.

Written February, 20 &21, 2009 "
Afterthoughts and 'The Shop in Dieburg,' added 2-22-2009

In the organery of School (A Short Story of a Young Women With Schizophrenia Tendencies)

double door refrigerator 2 door compact refrigerator

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Judge Not

Anyone who holds to any approved of righteousness in our "culture of tolerance" is in trouble. If you say, for example, that homosexuality is a perversion, abortion is murder, sex exterior of marriage is a sin, or that Jesus is the only way to heaven, get ready to be labeled. You will be categorized as "intolerant," because intolerance is not tolerated in our culture. You may also be branded as close-minded, because our culture is not open-minded to anyone who is "close-minded." You may be criticized for being critical. And you will probably be branded as unloving, because our culture just hates citizen who aren't "loving." They de facto should start putting bumper stickers on their cars that say, "I Do Not Tolerate citizen Who Are Intolerant."

Quite often, those who are are not tolerant of "intolerant" Christians even cite the Bible to prove how wrong intolerance is. "Judge not!" they quote Jesus as saying. They justify Christ's words to mean that no one has the right to make a moral assessment of anyone else. In so doing, however, they make a moral assessment of those whom they accuse of production moral appraisals. If you say,"Homosexuality is wrong," they say, "Don't judge!," and in the process they commit the very crime of which they find you guilty.

True Glass Door Refrigerator

This is not something that only those in the world do, but something that professing Christians sometimes do as well. If you hold to any standards of righteousness that exceed the low standards that many professing Christians hold, you set yourself up to be a target by some even within the church. If you dare take seriously a verse in the Bible that is ordinarily unfit for a refrigerator door magnet, like those that speak of the absolute necessity of obedience or self-denial, get ready to lose "church friends." They too may judge you as being judgmental---even if you keep thoroughly silent about your convictions and just live them. (I am doubtlessly being judged right now by some readers as being judgmental for writing this!)

So exactly what did Jesus mean when He told His followers, "Judge not, that you be not judged"? If we understand what He meant, then we can strive to obey Him in this regard.

Perhaps it will help if we first think what Jesus obviously did not mean.

Clearly, Jesus did not mean that His followers should never make moral appraisals of anyone, judging them in that sense. Just a few seconds after He said, "Judge not," Jesus instructed His followers,

Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces (Matt. 7:6).

Surely Jesus was not speaking of literal dogs and pigs, but of citizen who, like dogs and pigs, don't recognize what is truly principal and holy. It seems that Jesus could have been speaking only of citizen who reject His holy word because they don't value it. If we are to obey this commandment and not cast our pearls before pigs, we must of necessity appraise people. We must judge if they are in the type of spiritual pigs and dogs.

How can we judge such people? We de facto can't tell by finding at them. Sweet old ladies sometimes morph into monsters when we exertion to speak to them about the Lord, while tattooed tough guys, under conviction, may melt like margarine. We must, therefore, cast at least one "pearl" and watch what citizen do with it. If they trample it in the mud, we know they're spiritual pigs or dogs. We shouldn't waste more pearls on them, at least not until we allow some time for their hearts to soften. For now, we should "shake off the dust from our feet" (see Matt. 10:14) and look for those who value what we have to tell them. That is what Paul practiced, displaying a positive degree of intolerance in a manner prescribed by Jesus (see Acts. 13:51). This should not only be practiced in regard to unbelievers who reject God's Word, but in regard to so-called believers who just as much reject God's Word. Don't waste your principal time on citizen who don't value God's Word.

But back to my main point. We must judge citizen in at least one sense if we are going to obey Christ's command not to cast our pearls before pigs.

Judging Spiritual Leaders

Just a few more seconds after Jesus said, "Judge not," He also instructed His followers to appraise spiritual leaders by their fruit. By so doing, they could resolve if a leader is a wolf disguised as a sheep. This requires that Christ's followers judge spiritual leaders, and it seems that there isn't adequate of that kind of judging going on because so many of us are being misled and devoured by wolves that appear to be sheep. Sincere believers are often afraid of judging spiritual leaders because they think that they shouldn't "pass judgment" on them or "touch God's anointed." They couldn't be more wrong. Jesus commands us to explore the fruit of spiritual leaders and make judgments about them!

We should be finding at the fruit of every spiritual leader in the church. Don't make the foolish error of "judging their fruit" by counting how many miracles they achieve or by how many thousands of citizen attend their meetings. That is not the kind of fruit Jesus was saying we should be examining. Speaking of spiritual leaders, Jesus warned that many would say to Him, "Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy, cast out demons and achieve miracles in Your name?," and He will say, "I never knew you" (see Matt. 7:22-23). Miracles are not the proof of God's endorsement of a minister. (According to Scripture, God may de facto test our love for Him by means of false prophets who work miracles; see Deut. 13:1-4.) A big crowd may only be a sign of a big deceiver. The fruit of which Jesus spoke is the fruit of holiness (see Matt. 7:21, 23). Are spiritual leaders obeying Christ's commandments? That is the test.

We should also judge the teaching of spiritual leaders to make positive their teaching is the teaching of Christ (see 2 John 1:7-11). If it isn't, we are instructed by Scripture not to receive such citizen into our homes (which takes on added meaning when you perceive that the early church met primarily in homes), and not even to give such teachers a greeting (much less an offering). Otherwise, says John, we "participate in their evil deeds" (see 2 John 1:11).

It is sobering to perceive that we bear part of the accountability for the spiritual deception that is propagated by false teachers if we withhold them in any way. It is spectacular, to me how many Christians, whose hearts have been enlightened to fundamental and principal biblical truth, attend and withhold churches that promote a false gospel while leaving the "voices that are crying in the wilderness" to continue crying in the wilderness, unsupported. They are eating at Red Lobster and paying at Burger King. Some excuse themselves by saying, "I'm giving to the Lord and my heart is right, so it makes no discrepancy where I give my money." The truth is, you are supporting the devil with God's money. And God is not likely to reward you for that!

Like John, Paul also instructed us to "beware of the dogs, beware of the evil workers, beware of the false circumcision" (Phil. 3:2), and he, too, warned of false apostles (see 2 Cor. 11:13-15).

To obey these inspired instructions given by Paul and John requires that we make judgments about spiritual leaders and act on those judgments. Yet, again, it seems that too few in the church succeed such biblical instructions. Agreeing to the consistent teaching of the New Testament, the superior characteristic of a false teacher is that his teaching downplays the necessity of holiness (see Matt. 7:15-23; Rom. 16:17-18; 2 Pet. 2:1-22; Jude 1:3-4). By that criteria, the church today has been inundated with false teachers.

In Scripture, some of the New Testament authors go so far as to name the very names of false spiritual leaders of whom the church should beware (see 1 Tim. 1:19-20; 2 Tim. 2:16-18; 4:10; 3 John 1:9). This required a judgment on the part of those authors. By exposing and warning the church of positive false teachers, something that is often today classed as "passing judgment" or as being "unloving," these authors de facto showed their genuine love for Christ's body. Jesus commended the church in Ephesus for judging correctly positive men as being false apostles (see Rev. 2:2).

Judging Other Believers

So far we've seen that we should judge, in some sense, unbelievers and spiritual leaders. But what about judging fellow believers? Believe it or not, Scripture teaches that we all have a accountability to judge, at least in some sense, every person within the church. Surprised about that? Read what Paul wrote to the Corinthian Christians who had failed to judge a man in their midst who was living in an immoral connection with his stepmother:

For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Do you not judge those who are within the church? But those who are outside, God judges. [The clear implication is that they should judge those within the church.] take off the wicked man [this requires a judgment] from among yourselves (1 Cor. 5:12-13).

And it is not only citizen within the church who are living in immoral relationships whom God expects us to judge. In the same passage, Paul declared,

I wrote you in my [previous] letter not to connect with immoral people; I did not at all mean with the immoral citizen of this world, or with the covetous and swindlers, or with idolaters; for then you would have to go out of the world. But actually, I wrote to you not to connect with any so-called brother if he should be an immoral person, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or a swindler---not even to eat with such a one (1 Cor. 5:9-11).

To obey this instruction, we must make judgments about citizen within the church and act on those judgments. If we explore a professing Christian who is an immoral person, greedy, an idolater, a reviler, a drunkard or a swindler, we are not to connect with him or her at all. The theorize is because such citizen bring a stain and reproach on what the church is supposed to be---the holy followers of Christ. Such citizen are not true followers of Christ, regardless of what they claim, and they are on the broad road that leads to hell, as Paul wrote in the same passage,

Do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals,nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, shall inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you; but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and in the Spirit of our God (1 Cor. 6:9-11).

Paul warns us not to be deceived about this, but again, so many are. When entire denominations agree that homosexuals are fit to be ordained for ministry, they've abandoned the Bible and bought into the world's "tolerance message." They are deceived in their tolerance.

But this is not the only way we are told in Scripture to judge those within the church. We are also instructed by Jesus to confront those within the church who sin against us (see Matt. 18:15-17), and this, of course, requires that we make a judgment about offenders. If they don't receive us, we are to take one or two others, who must also make a judgment about the offender and confront him a second time.

If an offender doesn't receive the testimony of those two or three, he should be taken before the entire church, who must also then make a judgment about him. (Keep in mind that Jesus was reasoning of small churches that met in homes---as all churches were until A.D. 300 when Constantine married the world with the church---churches that were like families, in which every person knew and loved the offender and the offended person. This third part of His instruction could never be followed in large, modern churches without it resulting in a church split. In such cases, the third step should be administrated in a small group of believers who all know and love both parties.)

If the offender doesn't receive the church's call to repentance, he should, Agreeing to Jesus, be "treated like a Gentile or tax-gatherer" (Matt. 18:17). That sounds quite "intolerant," doesn't it? Some professing Christians might accuse a church that followed this institution of being "intolerant" and "unloving." But the truth is, those churches who are tolerant in this respect are the ones that are not loving. They help deceive unrepentant sinners within their ranks to think they are on the road to eternal life.

In any case, we see that when Jesus said, "Judge not," He could not have meant that we are not to judge in any sense those within the church, otherwise He contradicted Himself in other places, and Paul contradicted Him as well. The truth, as we have seen, is that Christians are to judge, in some sense, unbelievers, spiritual leaders and believers. Thus it seems that we don't need less judgment by Christ's followers these days; we need more judgment. We've been entrusted, by God Himself, with the very important accountability to judge---and primarily to keep the church pure. What could be more important than that?

The world judges Christianity by finding at the Church, and based on that judgment, it naturally makes a decision about Christ. What do you suppose most Muslims have decided, and why?

Regardless, our God-given accountability to judge shouldn't surprise us. Scripture says that we will one day judge the world and angels (see 1 Cor. 6:1-3)! If we ever hope, however, to judge the world and angels in the future, we must properly judge now.

Judging Righteously

In all of these cases when Scripture instructs us make judgments about people, we must be cautious that we don't make assumptions and wrongly judge anyone. In regard to Himself, Jesus once said to some of His detractors, "Do not judge Agreeing to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment" (John 7:24). Similarly, God commanded every Israelite in the Law of Moses:

You shall do no injustice in judgment; you shall not be partial to the poor nor defer to the great, but you are to judge your neighbor fairly. You shall not go about as a slanderer among your people....You shall not hate your fellow countryman in your heart; you may de facto reprove your neighbor, but shall not incur sin because of him (Lev. 19:15-17, emphasis added.)

If you've ever been a victim of people's wrong judgments or been slandered, you know how much it hurts. We should therefore take every precaution that we don't make wrong judgments about others, much less spread our wrong judgments to others, which amounts to slander. Our judgments should be based on facts, and we should always strive to believe the best until we know the worst. And if we love fellow believers whom we judge, we will speak to them first, and not others, about their sin as the scripture we just read says. In the case of false believers and false teachers (who are of procedure unbelievers), a dissimilar rule applies, as is clear from Paul's instructions and dealings with the immoral man in Corinth. False teachers, especially, should be publicly exposed.

Not only should our judgments be based on truthful facts, they should be based on scriptural truth as well. For example, Scripture does not give us the right to resolve that someone is not saved because he drank a glass of wine or because she doesn't wear her hair in a bun.

We must also be cautious that we don't judge what is impossible to judge. For example, we don't know the motives of people's hearts (see 1 Cor. 4:5).

On the other hand, Agreeing to Jesus, there are times when we do know something about what is in people's hearts, and we can judge righteously in this regard to some degree. Jesus told us,

For from within, out of the heart of men, promenade the evil thoughts, fornications, thefts, murders, adulteries, deeds of coveting and wickedness, as well as deceit, sensuality, envy, slander, pride and foolishness. All these evil things promenade from within and defile the man" (Mark. 7:21-23, emphasis added).

I remember once being rebuked by a parishioner because I said that a positive political leader who claimed to be a Christian was de facto not a Christian because of his immoralities and lies. "You don't know what is in his heart," I was told.

However, not only did I make my statement based upon the fact that Scripture tells us not to be deceived in this matter (that no adulterers will inherit God's kingdom and that all liars will be cast into the lake of fire), but actually, in this case, I knew what every person else could and should have known about what was in that singular adulterer's heart---adultery.

We know and can thus judge what is in the heart of every adulterer when he or she committed his or her sin---adultery. Likewise, theft was in the heart of the thief, murder was in the heart of the murderer, and deceit is in the heart of the deceiver. In all of these cases and others like them, we can judge what is in people's hearts. Of course, if citizen repent, their hearts change, but repentance of the heart is also something that shows up on the exterior and can thus be righteously judged. As hard as it is for us to accept this in an age when "toleration" is the word, that is de facto why John wrote,

By this the children of God and the children of the devil are positive [that is, it is easy to judge who is saved and who is not]: anyone who does not institution righteousness is not of God, nor the one who does not love his brother (1 John 3:10, emphasis added).

Do you believe this? By this criteria, there are multitudes of citizen who think themselves born again within the church who are de facto children of the devil, and we have the clear biblical right to make such a judgment. Although they may assure themselves that they love the brethren and are thus vindicated as true believers, what many call "the love of the brethren" is nothing more (and often much less) than the kind of camaraderie shared by unbelievers within their own institutions, whether the Masonic Lodge or the neighborhood card club. Just explore some professing believers when they don't get their selfish way and see how much they love the brethren. Or explore them when they are given an opportunity to deny themselves for the sake of their impoverished or persecuted brothers and sisters in underdeveloped countries. Or study their reaction to anyone who preaches biblical righteousness. It becomes quite obvious, just as the Bible naturally declares, who are the children of God and who are the children of the devil.

So What Did Jesus Mean?

Having now determined what Jesus could not have meant when He commanded His followers not to judge, let us think what He must have meant. Let's first read His words in context, as reading contextually ordinarily makes all the difference:

Do not judge lest you be judged. For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your approved of measure, it will be measured to you. And why do you look at the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, "Let me take the speck out of your eye," and behold, the log is in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye (Matt. 7:1-5).

Clearly, in light of the greater and lesser context of Jesus' command not to judge, He was speaking about the sin of searching for small flaws in fellow believers (thrice He speaks of "brothers" in this passage) by those who have bigger faults. As Jesus warned, God will hold us to the same approved to which we hold others. He doesn't appreciate those who don't institution what they preach. Those who do are in danger of being judged by God, and He often does so by exposing their hypocrisy. So if we point out the faults of others when we are guilty of the same or greater faults, we are guilty of the kind of judgment that Jesus here forbids.

But don't read more into what Jesus said in Matthew 7:1-5 than what is there. Read exactly what He said. Jesus did not thoroughly forbid finding fault (or "judging" in that sense), and if He did, it would contradict much of what He said elsewhere. Note that Jesus said, "First take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye" (Matt. 7:5, emphasis added). That is, first repent yourself, then help others to repent. Too many of us are stagnant in this regard, examining neither ourselves nor helping anyone else after our repentance. We have a superficial connection with God and a superficial connection with each other. We've nurtured a complacent attitude that whether says, "Hey...I'm Ok, you're Ok...we're all Ok," or worse than that: "Look, we're all just a bunch of sinners here, so let's have an additional one round of grace. And d--n those blasted holier-than-thous who are always trying to make us feel guilty!" Neither attitude lends itself to spiritual growth.

Jesus would have us take off the specks from the eyes of our brothers and sisters---but only after we have removed the logs from our own. That is what He said. This means that we have the biblical accountability to judge one other type of people: ourselves (see also Psalm 139:23; 1 Cor. 11:28; 2 Cor. 13:5).If we are to help others enjoy all the blessings of holiness (a true act of love on our part), we must first be holy ourselves.

Nobody receives revision from those whom they don't respect and those whose own faults are glaring. And God becomes angry with those who hold others to a approved by which they themselves don't live. Such citizen are hypocrites, as Jesus said, pretending to be what they are not. How many preachers (like myself) have heard the stinging yet loving words of their spouses on a Sunday afternoon, "Great sermon today, honey. You de facto ought to think living it yourself!"? Ouch!

One Final Thought...

Please note that every scripture we've determined in this teaching is addressed, not to pastors, but to every follower of Christ. This leaves us with one overriding thought: Every believer is thinkable, by God to be passionate and active in the pursuance of personal and corporate holiness. Paul didn't tell the pastors in Corinth to judge and take off the wicked man from among them. (In fact, Paul gave no exact instructions to pastors, elders, or overseers in whether of his letters to the Corinthians or in the majority of his other letters, a principal fact.) Removing the wicked man was something every member of the body was to be complicated in. Similarly, Jesus made it clear that every believer has accountability to judge spiritual leaders by their fruit so that no wolves in sheep's clothing will lead the church away from holiness. Every believer, Agreeing to what we read, should judge and not connect with those who claim to be Christ's yet who institution unrighteousness, lest the church be stained before the world. Every Christian should judge himself and take off the logs from his own eyes so he can be personally pure and can then see clearly to take off the specks from his brothers' eyes. How many of us have a connection with God and other believers like that?

May God have mercy on us and help us to grow up! And may judgment, biblical judgment, growth within Christ's church.

"Judge Not", an narrative on the need for biblical judgment
©2007 David servant and ShepherdServe.org. You are welcome to repost this narrative as long as the narrative is unaltered and kept in its entirety (with all links and earnings attached), and is not sold for profit.

Judge Not

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Sunday, August 7, 2011

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Saturday, August 6, 2011

Most military Persons Tried to Be Good Americans in Vietnam

Regardless of what the 'anti-American' press and Jane Fonda (the infamous Hanoi Jane) tried to betray; the America habitancy can be proud of their military.

It seems strange that in many cases the individuals and groups that did the most criticizing of their troops are the ones that gained the most from their military.

True Glass Door Refrigerator

Without our great and loyal military, we would not have our leisure that we enjoy.

When I arrived in Vietnam on my first tour in January 1967, I was sincerely proud to be representing America and our government in every way.

I have all the time had Christian beliefs and it has never been difficult for me to appreciate my surroundings and especially habitancy in the surroundings. This was especially true in Vietnam. The Vietnamese were kind gentle people.

On this tour in Vietnam I was assigned to the Close Air sustain Section, Headquarters, 3rd Air Force. Our Army personnel received requests from Army combat units for close air support. We then worked with the Air Force as a decision was made as to what type munition and aircraft would be most effective.

In fact, I, like most American troops persons in Saigon, enjoyed a safe comfortable life in a Saigon hotel. My hotel was in the town of this big busy city.

I remember that I arrived at my office about 8 a.m. And spend most of the day in-processing and meeting the crew that I would be working with in the Tactical Air sustain Element. The office was settled on the third floor in a very large modern construction and it was air-conditioned.

The Army and Air Force teams were understaffed and I was welcomed with open arms. Office personnel worked nearby the clock seven days a week. The twelve-hour day shift ended at 7 p.m. By the time the night shift was briefed it is near 8 p.m.

Soon after the evening briefing was complete, my five new friends and I loaded into an eight passenger bus and began a most bright ride through busy Saigon. One has never seen busy, crowded, and noisy streets until Saigon is observed. At least I had never seen whatever like it.

An hour later we arrived at the Plaza Hotel, which was an eight-story concrete building. It housed at least 200 Americans. The front entry was near the busy street and was guarded by a four man Vietnamese troops guard force which was protected by an effective concrete wall.

When I entered the hotel I had an immediate feeling that I was going to like the accommodations; even before looking my room. Several large fans were noticeably bright the hot air.

We passed by a reception desk which was staffed with a Vietnamese man and woman. Both were very friendly. My friends related that all of the staff was friendly and helpful.

One of my friends remarked, "Guess what, the elevator is working today." He explained that it was not unusual for them to walk to their rooms on the fifth floor. The two-man rooms were nice and also had a large fan. We were hungry and it was agreed that we would meet in the hotel restaurant, on the third floor, in fifteen minutes. We did and I was legitimately impressed.

Miss Than, a very nice Chinese woman, checked our meal cards as we entered. I was told that her father owns a large import/export company in Saigon. (At least some habitancy are not being adversely affected by the War).

She spoke gorgeous English. There was a nice option of American and Vietnamese food. I definitely fell in love with Vietnamese food that evening and I seldom eat American food while the next twelve months.

About 10 p.m. I returned to my room. My roommate was not there, so I stripped, showered, and was soon lying on my American style bed resting and mentally reliving my first day in Vietnam.

I was wild-awake nearby 11 p.m, so I dressed and decided to look for a place to get a beer. The bistro was closed, so I went to the reception desk. The lady was now alone. When I asked if there is a near-by place to buy a beer I was surprised that she too spoke lovely English.

She explained that she had a few warm Cokes and beers under her counter and that I was legitimately welcome to have my choice. I select a Bud. I offered to buy her a beer. She explained that she preferred Cokes and would accept my offer for a Coke.

We talked for about an hour. She explained that she worked on an American base for a year and tried hard to learn thorough English. She had worked here in the hotel for a year and enjoyed it very much.

She also explained that her wage was more than she would make in a Vietnamese job. She added explained that she ordinarily worked the night shift and that she had a very small comfortable room thirty minutes from the hotel.

She referred to me as "Mr. Jim", because it was easier than saying, "Mr. Gene".

"Do you know what I miss most from the air base?" She asked.

"What?" I asked.

"I miss those big tasty red apples." She replied. After that I tried to bring her an apple or two each day.

The next morning I was waiting by the lobby exit at 6 a.m., as planned. Our minuscule bus arrived right on schedule and the eight of us squeezed on board. The traffic was as busy and hectic as it had been the evening before.

I'm told that the hotel was owned by a wealthy Chinese man and that he insisted that his staff, especially the women, not socialize with Americans; other than being friendly and helpful while on duty.

Mr. Chung, also Chinese, was the driver assigned to our section. Our section chief, Col. Green was a full-Colonel and Mr. Chung was his hidden driver. Col. Green enjoyed a hidden trailer as his quarters on base and roughly never left the base for any reason,; therefore his enlisted staff had roughly 100% use of the minuscule bus.

Mr. Chung went out of his way to help all of us in any way he could. In return we all tried to do things for him, like insuring that he had Cokes and apples to carry home with him each day. The 'you scratch my back and I'll scratch your back" philosophy legitimately worked.

The second day a sergeant came by the office collecting money for one of the office cleaning ladies. Her child was desperately ill and she had no money to pay for the medicine and doctor. As usual a fair number of money was collected.

Our office sponsored a Vietnamese child's home. Besides taking presents on Christmas and hosting an American style Christmas, we also collected extra money when there was a extra need. In Vietnam in 1967 there was all the time a extra need of one kind or an additional one and Americans all the time poured out good will with money and concern.

Our office was only one of many offices that sponsored and supported needy Vietnamese in many ways. In April we were asked to donate quite a lot of money to buy 200 small radios from the Base Exchange.

Colonel Green wanted to make a visit to a Vietnamese troops hospital on the outskirts of Saigon and he wanted to assure that at least 200 patients had a tiny radio gift.

We drew cards to resolve which seven of us would accompany him to the hospital. I was lucky and make this very extra trip.

It was a shock to see the deteriorated condition of the hospital construction and the incredible crowded conditions. As we drove into the hospital parking lot I saw beds and patients on every balcony. In the hospital, beds and chairs with patients busy every available free space in the halls and rooms. The bedding was old, stained, and worn; but very clean.

The hospital was understaffed, but the doctors and nurses were doing a distinguished job. They all appeared very over-worked, tired, and near-exhausted. The saddest sight of all were the patients. I guess that at least 80% were amputees; mostly lower extremity amputees.

When we met with the doctors and nurses, Col. Green presented the radio gifts. He decided to give each physician and nurse a radio also.

I asked why so many patients had feet or legs amputated. The chief physician quietly explained that the most tasteless injury was from mass mines, a small anti-personnel mine, designed to injury the feet and legs.

These minuscule mines were scattered like corn seeds in a field by the enemy soldiers. These heartless communist enemy cared less if the mines hurt or killed children and civilians.

The physician explained that by the time the injured arrived at the hospital many or most already had an infection. He explained that the hospital did not have enough permissible antibiotics to stop the infections; thus it was very tasteless for gangrene to set-in.

He added explained that few Vietnamese doctors had the training, as most Americans had, to stop gangrene or to do the permissible amputation. He explained that it was foremost to exertion to save the knee, since with a workable knee an synthetic leg was most effective.

Therefore, they most often did not take a opening and let the gangrene spread to the knee; they amputated more fast than most American doctors would. This trip was a real wake-up touch for me.

A few days later Mr. Chung industrialized pneumonia and was hospitalized. Col. Green assured Mr. Chung that he would not be replaced. We all donated money for his bills and gave him gifts for his family. He later paid all of us back many times with fond gestures.

It became an enjoyable disposition to stand at the reception desk and chat with the Vietnamese night staff, which was ordinarily only Miss Kim. Several weeks later I made my normal gallivant to the reception desk, but Miss Kim was not there. Instead, an older Vietnamese lady was on duty.

I asked about Miss Kim and the lady stated that Miss Kim became very sick and was rushed to the physician and was operated on very early this morning. I related that I wanted very much to visit Miss Kim.

The lady smiled and asked if I was Mr. Jim. She explained that she saw Miss Kim just before the surgery and that she explained that Mr. Jim might want to come see her. She asked me to give you the address if you do want to visit her. You should take a taxi...and remember that she loves apples.

I asked if Miss Kim would be back to work soon and the lady replied that Miss Kim was extremely sick. After I got Miss Kim's address from the lady I rushed to my room, put two applies in my pockets and fast left the hotel and hailed a taxi.

The driver was soon at the address and pointed to the side door. As I coming the house I saw a very old lady sitting in a chair by the building. I showed her the note and address and the lady held my arm and guided me to Miss Kim's door and opened it.

I legitimately did not expect to find the terrible site I saw. The room was small, no fan, and minuscule furniture. I saw a female lying in a smaller than particular bed and she was asleep.

On a chair, which was near the bed, was medication and a glass that had flies crawling on it. I quietly took the glass to the tiny sink to washed it. The water barely ran from the pipe and it did not look clean. There was no dish towel, so I used my T-shirt.

When I returned to the bed, Miss Kim was moaning. I whispered, to avoid shocking her, "Miss Kim, is there whatever I can get you or do for you?"

She tried to smile, but her big smile was not there. "Thanks for coming. It is so nice of you. Yes, will you hold the medicine directions so I can read the note" She asked.

I held the small paper close to her face. She asked, "How many of the big pills are in the envelope." I replied that there were ten. She whispered that she had missed taking her tablets. She asked what time it was. I told her it was 8 p.m. "I've missed two tablets...I think. Will you get me some water and one big tablet and two smaller ones?" She asked.

I watched the dirty-looking liquid ultimately half fill the glass. "Will you try to lift me so I can drink?" She asked. When I slipped my hand under her neck and shoulder and attempted to lift her she screamed. I apologized and she explained that they had operated on her stomach and the pain was awful. I ultimately managed to get her lifted enough to swallow the pills.

I settled her medication near her pillow and sat close to her bed. She was wet with perspiration, so I took an old cloth, ultimately soaked it with water, and moderately wiped her face and neck. She whispered, "Mr. Jim, will you take one large pill and two smaller ones and put them on the chair before you leave? I can't afford to miss any more pills." She said as she tried to smile.

Miss Kim's older friend sitting covering the room spoke no English and I did not feel she would sit up all night with Miss Kim to assure she took her medication. I whispered to Miss Kim that she would be all right, but I was not legitimately so sure myself. I gave her a tender kiss on the head and left. I had already decided that I would return at 1 a.m. To assure she took her pills.

I returned to the hotel and began to look for a few items to take to Miss Kim. My roommate had a large plastic water can in the bath room. I filled this can with 'clean' water and found a sack in which to place a few rags and a towel, liquid soap (from my room mate's shelf), an extra toothbrush, and paste from my case.

I returned to the desk and asked the lady to please assure that I was awake at 12:30 a.m. She did and I was back to see Miss Kim at 1 a.m. Sure enough she was asleep and had missed the medication time.

She was shocked that I had returned to care for her. She was still very sick. I used the fresh water to wash the glass and then to moderately wipe her face, neck, and arms. She tried to smile, but it still didn't quite happen. She managed to take the medication and then she dozed off again. I left feeling very sad and concerned for her.

I was due on shift 7 a.m., but I wanted to check on Miss Kim. I left a note on my friend's door saying I was already at work. At 6 a.m. I then took a taxi and again went to Miss Kim to assure she had her medication.

She was awake and this time totally shocked that I had again returned to see her. "Why do you do this for me.?" She asked. "No one has ever done this much for me. Tell me why, Mr. Jim!"

"I'll tell you why. You have a cute-nose." I then bent over and kissed her minuscule nose. This time she did carry on a smile. I soon left, but many things were going through my mind. I was still worried about Miss Kim. I was also mental about my house and hoping someone would help them if a similar situation arose.

When I got to work I explained the situation to a friend on the night shift. He asked if Miss Kim had a frig in her room. I say no. He stated that was normal...few habitancy here have refrigerators. "Gene, there is a small frig in the storeroom. It belonged to a sergeant that left for the States. You can have it." He said.

Later in the morning I was explaining in more detail what had transpired. My best friend offered to cover for me while I did some shopping at the Exchange. I bought disposable plates, cups, napkins, utensils, a concentrate of pots, some soft foods, disinfectant spray, and bug spray.

When I returned to the office, Jeff, my best friend, offered to accompany Mr. Chung and me and help with the refrigerator. By 8 p.m. We had the frig in the van and were on the way to see Miss Kim.

When we arrived Miss Kim had managed to turn over a bid and I notice that she now had fresh trousers and shirt. She explained that the old lady washed her down and helped her convert clothes. She recognized Jeff and remembered his name. When she saw the frig she began to cry.

Mr. Chung was happy to help us, but refused to come into Miss Kim's room.

The next qoute was hooking up the frig. The plug did not fit the wall outlet. Mr. Chung again came to the saving and soon returned with a young electrician, who had the frig operating in five minutes.

Miss Kim was obviously feeling some better, but not much better. She promised not to miss any more pills and made me promise not to come back until after work the next day.

When I did return after work the next day I was legitimately shocked. Miss Kim was propped up slightly and had a big smile. The room looked like Mr. Clean had made a surprise visit. I asked how the room got cleaned.

She smiled and explained that she made a deal with the lady next door. The lady could share the frig if she kept the room clean and helped until she got well. "You see, Mr. Jim, I'm a real company girl...especially when I have a frig to negotiate with." She joked.

"Miss Kim," I asked "Will you elaborate what all happened. What was your problem?"

"I had a minuscule stomach ache for two days, but it was not bad, so I didn't get worried. About 1 a.m. I began having terrible pains and I called my work mate and asked him to come fast and ease me. I took a taxi to an old house physician friend.

I could not get out of the taxi and the driver got the physician to come to the taxi and see me. He immediately diagnosed the qoute as a ruptured appendix and said it would take too long to get to the hospital and that the hospital likely did not have a night physician on duty...and likely did not have an empty bed "etc".

They carried me to his apartment, where he had a tiny clinic and a small operating room, but no outpatient beds. After a quick exam he and his wife began preparing me for an operation. They fast put me to sleep and I'm not sure what time they operated, but I stayed at his house until late afternoon.

The physician said it was great that I recover in my room than in the hospital, because he could more legitimately check on me and that I would be safer than in a hospital. I was all right until the ambulance came to move me. I opinion I was going to die. The slightest move made my stomach hurt so badly that I opinion the stitches were tearing out.

"Mr. Jim, the physician could not believe what you have done for me. He asked me to pass his thanks to you also."

Miss Kim was back to work in two weeks. I think I noticed that all of the staff was a bit friendlier after Miss Kim returned. I continued to spend time at the desk talking with Miss Kim until the day I departed Vietnam.

I naturally thank my God for giving me a safe return home to my family. I am also thankful that He guided me, as He guided so many others, to do a few good things for a few habitancy in Vietnam.

'Professional' American press reporters could have amplified the many good things that the American troops did and ended in Vietnam. Unfortunately, too many of the American press reporters 'were not professional'.

They too often blew isolated incidents out of proportion. Similar to the Jane Fonda type demonstrators and others who condemned the Vietnamese war; they successfully brain-washed the American communal into believing that the majority of their troops in Vietnam were village-burning, women-raping, savages, and shot-gun barrel-sniffing drug abusers. The American press often acted unprofessional.

Almost all troops personnel in Vietnam were good Americans.

(c)Gene Hudgens

Most military Persons Tried to Be Good Americans in Vietnam

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